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Arghya - Stay in Touch

When I peek back into my childhood days I can recall how studies were horror show for me and how at every step I was compared with my siblings, classmates.

Learning was never fun for me nor was I very much interested in it. But yes as days passed by the intense desire to know, experience and explore grew. This was not the result of outside factor but something inside me which sprouted very late, which sprouted when I wanted it, which sprouted due to power inside me and absolutely not the outer once.

This is the crux of learning. Each child is born with the inside power responsible for its own progress but a sleeping parent turns the switch off and wants the child to peep out.

Arghya is a place where each parent is brought to the level of witnessing, experiencing and then understanding the correct way of life turning out.

Arghya was just a thought in year 2010, launched on 6th july 2011 is still growing and making its own roots beneath the ground like bamboo. Still it will take more time to come out tall.

Arghya is a platform where each section of a child’s, parent’s teacher’s and every one who is on learning path and education is taken care of with the latest updating taking place in technology and society.

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Monday – Saturday
9am to 7pm
Sunday – Closed