Home Services Arghya International School

The Arghya International School

Our core values

Cooperation: Cooperation as a Value for Arghya means encouraging students to see mutual assistance as a goal to strive for, to view others as potential collaborators, and to choose cooperation as often as possible as a viable alternative to competition and individual work.
Commitment : Commitment a strong indicator of a self-discipline, resilience and persistence. It is a value that differentiates the stout- hearted from the weak.Children who are committed, do their very best even outside their comfort zones.
Care: Caring is an integral component of our shared values, shared results, positive organizational health and Win-Win Philosophy. Individuals and groups of like-minded people understand and care for the values and situations of other individuals and groups.

What we provide
Open learning pattern for Pre Nursery to Class V (State board affiliation result)
VI to XII (Open learning with NIOS study support)

The Arghya International School is an initiative of using a child's natural way of learning - Spontaneous, Industrious and Joyous.

We Learn.
We learn all the time, continuously.
We learn all by ourselves.
We learn by doing.
We learn by seeing, hearing, experiencing.
We learn because we want to - learn.
We learn because learning is joy.
We learn what is meaningful and relevant.
We learn what is interesting and fun.
We learn - through our innate capabilities.
We learn - through others.
We learn - daily, diligently and differently,
We learn - so let us!

The Philosophy
Fortunately we do not have any expectations from the child. To us each child is unique, comes with own set of strengths, learns at own pace, and grows into an independent personality. So it’s important that we RESPECT each child as an individual. Respect their efforts, struggles, feelings, and intelligence. And most importantly respect their natural and voracious capacity to learn. We work on certain presumptions about learning and children.

The Curriculum
We also realize that everything that’s part of a child’s life is the curriculum. Everything that the child encounters and experiences is something to learn about and learn from. Which means only a curriculum based on all aspects of child’s life can be holistic. Hence, we use the framework of Multiple Intelligences ensuring that all intelligences are given equal importance to deliver comprehensive learning exposure to the child.

The Methodology
1 Let the Child Learn: We do not teach - we let the child learn and all the child needs to learn are exposures and experiences. Experiences which are real, meaningful, interesting, involving (child does something in it) and relevant. For eg: What’s the point of showing a chart of vegetables, when child can eat one and experience how it tastes – raw! Or why teach ABCD in that order when we do not use it in that order anywhere in our life – let’s just work with wonderful and meaningful words.

2 Interaction is the Key accelerator A child learns best from another child. So, we make the interactions between children intensive to make their learning extensive. The facilitator further builds on children’s doing, fueling more interactions. For example, children learn color, not through some chart or material, but by everybody in the class using the color names in regular conversation, like, “Use this yellow duster to wipe your blue chair”

3 Simple material, many extensions, open learning We believe a handful of bottle caps can be used to learn language, math’s, social skills, body skills, and so on. The facilitator observes each child’s doing and leads the child into many different directions. This open ended learning often crosses multiple subject areas, with child connecting and learning different concepts simultaneously. This makes learning continuous, fun and meaningful, while each child still learns at his or her own pace.

4 Parent Involvement Since children are learning 24/7, it is imperative that parents are completely involved in the child’s development. Hence, we make available in advance the calendar and schedule of activities for a month, the schedule being updated on daily basis. Apart from a monthly parent-child day, parents are encouraged to observe and be part of their child’s session as frequently as they can.

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